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writing meta descriptions

Writing meta title and descriptions

What is SEO metadata, and why are meta descriptions important?

Metadata or meta content is an integral part of SEO. When metadata and meta tag keywords are well-done, it means that your website is working hard on its own to rank at the top of search engine results. Metadata doesn’t appear on your actual webpage, instead it’s hidden content that helps your pages get the best visibility with Google.

That’s why at DAGOSEO, we take the time and care to create the best SEO metadata for your website and to make your brand visible to the right audience.

After running your SEO campaign and handpicking the best keywords for your company or website, then start in on the metadata. Metadata, when done right, will drastically improve your website’s visibility in organic search results, meaning a higher amount of traffic to your site, and with the right content, a higher conversion rate and ultimately more revenue for you.


Creating metadata involves writing a meta description and title for every page of your website. This information lets search engines know what the intent of each page on your website is, and then determine whether or not your website is relevant enough to a user’s search term to display in the results prominently.

Meta writing: About Us
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